Jamaat e Islami Leader Women Division Secretary, Ruksana P, had earlier made a controversial statement about #me too campaign. She said the #me too movements are fueled by the ‘excessive freedom’ enjoyed by women. Now director Aashiq Abu has come out in open, responding to her statement.
Aashiq Abu asked Will be it enough if all women hide themselves in a sack. But then Aashiq Abu’s approach hasn’t gone down well with Islamic fundamentalists. They have put comments below Aashiq’s post that strongly condemns his views.
Ruksana in her video explains that the Holy Quran teaches us everything that we need to know about conducting ourselves in society and their personal life. She says rules like wearing hijab are not imposing any restrictions upon women but are meant for their protection.
She says Islam teaches us everything like whom we should marry and how to marry and much more.
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