Toilets are something you don’t expect a lot of innovations to happen and sometimes people don’t want to. But something extraordinary has been built by experts at the European Space Agency (ESA) and MIT here and you need to take a look at it. This is a smart toilet device that will track different things going on in your body based on your urine.
The high tech lavatory will screen urine for the presence of extra proteins and glucose, gathering data through sensors located inside the bowl.
These will detect fluctuations in levels of these substances, as well as the presence of other markers that might be an early warning of cancer or diabetes.
Data gathered by the sensors in the toilet bowl could be beamed to the users mobile phone so they can see how their health is changing or even directly to the GP so they could keep a remote eye on patients.
“The toilet offers an incredible opportunity for people to gain control of their health,” said Michael Lindenmayer, digital health and smart sanitation lead at the Toilet Board Coalition.
So what you think about that innovation? pretty cool right?
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