You hear about these predictions all the time and on most occasions, people would laugh them off. But if the predictions are coming from the infamous Nostradamus, it will carry some weight. The mystic Michel de Nostradame prophesied future events in 16th century France, publishing his predictions as four-lined quatrains. It is said that correctly predicted Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, the death of Henry II of France in 1559, the Great Fire of London in 1666, rise of Hitler and the 9/11 attacks. Now if these are true, Nostradamus next prediction might make you feel a bit nervous.
According to the infamous prophet, 2019 is set to be a miserable year for most people across the planet. He says World War 3 will start in 2019 and will be fought between two superpowers and the conflict will last for 27 years. As well as the advent of an apocalyptic world war, 2019 will not be a year of financial prosperity either. His predictions for 2019 range from advances in science, a devastating war and natural disasters.
So what you think about his predictions? Any reason to worry?
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