
Rehana Fathima’s Stand on Women Wall is Something that you should not miss

Rehana Fathima, after her stay at jail has made some strong comments about women entry into Sabarimala and the Women Wall government is planning to raise on January 1.

“I tried to trek Sabarimla under the impression that I can do so with the Supreme Court verdict. I believed that the Government will implement this verdict. But after that incident, many allegations were raised to prove that a women cannot go Sabarimala alone”

One has to guess that the fake allegations of my acquaintance with Sreejith IPS were raised to this end. But I understand that Government has no interest to see young women enter Sabarimala.

People think I did a mistake, but my mistake was my attempt to open the eyes of other people. Government took a double stand on the issue. The following events even made me doubtful if Government had the agenda to make activists a scape goat.

Rehana said Government should make it clear against whom the women wall is made. She also added that living in jail wasn’t a horrible experience for her.
