CPI state secretary Kanam Rajendran came down heavily on V.S.AchuthanandanV.S.Achuthanandan for his stand on women’s wall. Kanam said that one should ask VS on whether the stand taken by him in connection with the women wall was right or not. Left Front led by CPM decided to form the wall. I strongly believe that VS is still a CPM loyalist. Criticizing the proposed women’s wall, VS had said that organizing a class struggle with caste-based organizations is not part of a Communist revolution.
It is the Left Front led by the CPM which has decided to organize the women’s wall,” said Kanam Rajendran. Kanam said the NSS should decide whether they need a renaissance or a liberation struggle. The disciples of Mannathu Padmanabha Pillai are shifting from the renaissance.
Organizing a call struggle in association with caste organizations like NSS is not a part of a communist revolutionary, VS had mentioned earlier. Copying the customs and celebrations of Hindu fundamentalists was not the method of class struggle. We have to fight and defeat a fascist government. Each communist worker should devote to this cause and unite under the red flag. They are supporting caste organizations and taking them along with the design to hoist the saffron flag of upper caste supremacy in our society. We cannot do that, VS had stated.
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