Talk about taking your business to the next level and here is an exemplary person. Anna Durai from Chennai has just managed to take an ordinary auto rickshaw and squeeze the most out of it by putting some incredible technology into it. For all those who thought an auto rickshaw can only provide ‘that’ much, AnnaDurai will drop your jaw with his next level comfort and technology inside his three-wheeler.
His rickshaw has a free WIfi that the commuters can tap into, there are at least a score of magazines and newspapers neatly stacked, there is a google speaker, a TV, a tablet and even a fridge with some beverages for the customers!
You can swipe your card and make your payment. Anna Durai, with his Smart auto, is making some serious income out of it. Vodafone, Amazon, Hp, Unilever has all taken AnnaDurai as their startup icon. The ted ex-speaker is all set to take part in a seminar conducted by Microsoft in Texas. AnnaDurai has over 20000 followers on Facebook. He credits his success to his ‘attitude’.
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