Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will attend the’Aarppo Aarthavam’ programme. The organizer of the programme and a leading advocate Maya Krishnan has confirmed that the Chief Minister will attend the programme. She said that by this the programme will attain its aim.
The programme aimed at empowerment of women and CM’s presence will be a great advantage for this. After the ‘Women Wall’ this programme will be another women empowerment programme which will get government recognition.
CM will attend either on 12 or 13 of this month. Pinarayi is attending the programme as the Chief Minister and not as a CPM leader, she said. And there is no mistake in it, she added. Social activist Rekha Raj also welcomed the CM’s decision. Bindhu Thankam Kalyani, the women activist who attained media attention by her failed attempt to enter Sabarimala temple also said that the presence of CM will make the programme a victory.
The programme will be held at Marine Drive, Ernakulam on 12 and 13 of this month. The programme is aimed at removing the social stigma that menstruation is impure.