While WhatsApp is busy in trying to curb the circulation of fake news through its platform, a message specifying a “WhatsApp Gold” update has made a comeback. The message reads:
FYI: Whatsapp Gold. A video will be launched tomorrow in Whatsapp called Martinelli. DO NOT OPEN it. Its a virus which goes into your phone and nothing will fix it. Do not update to Whatsapp Gold the virus is serious.
The said video, Martinelli, will reportedly install malware in the user’s phone and hack it once a user downloads it.
According to a report by fact-checking website Snopes, the latest warning message spread on WhatsApp comes as a hoax and “appears to have originated in a Spanish-language version sometime in 2017”. Spanish national police Policia Nacional even posted a tweet back in July 2017, quashing the hoax.
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