Tamil actor Karthi is all praise of Malayalam film ‘Kumbalangi Nights’. Karthi after watching the movie wrote a post in his official Twitter. “#KumbalangiNights is so beautiful. The movie just flows so seamlessly. Soulful and funny at the same time. Wish I could make a film like this someday”.
#KumbalangiNights is so beautiful. The movie just flows so seamlessly. Soulful and funny at the sametime. Wish I could make a film like this someday.
— Karthi (@Karthi_Offl) March 2, 2019
Directed by debutant Madhu C Narayanan, ‘Kumbalangi Nights’ is a family drama revolving around four brothers, played by Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Shane Nigam and Mathew Thomas. Fahadh Faasil essays a negative role in the film. Anna Ben and Grace Antony play the female leads.
Syam Pushkaran’s wonderfully layered script, the actors’ performances and all the technical aspects beautifully jell together to form what is a near flawless film. Besides the unanimous critical acclaim, the movie is also doing extremely well at the box office.
The film was produced jointly by Dileesh Pothan, Syam Pushkaran and Nazriya Nazim under the banners Fahadh Faasil and Friends Working Class Hero. Sushin Shyam composed the tunes for this film with Shyju Khalid cranking the camera and Saiju Sreedharan editing it.
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