Human sperm is made in such a way that it could not bare higher temperatures. Being highly volatile, sperms are short-lived only for hours. Through technical and biological innovations there are modern facilities to store sperms. There are even sperm banks installed for the job.
Have you ever wondered which is the oldest conserved sperm in this world? How would it have been stored in the bank? What had happened to it?
Bringing a halt to these questions, the oldest sperm in this world is still healthy, and it is kept in Liquid Nitrogen for the past 50 years. The oldest semen is from a lamb named ‘Sir Freede’ who is the most common sperm donor of the then time.
Freede’s sperm is kept in specially built incubators that have been filled with liquid Nitrogen under minus 196 degree. Scientists claim that his sperm cells still have the capacity to produce germ cells when used for fertilization. The same has been proven, when it was artificially inseminated to other 34 lambs where the federalization was successful.
The reports concerning the same have been revealed by scientists from Sydney University.
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