In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today announced that India has destroyed a live low-orbiting satellite during a missile test that puts the country in the space “super league”.PM Narendra Modi said ‘Mission Shakti’ operation was a difficult target to achieve which was completed successfully within three minutes of launch.
Former Chief Minister of U.P Akhilesh yadav though, felt that the speech by Modi was only an attempt to divert nations attention from other issues on the ground.
“Today @narendramodi got himself an hour of free TV & divert nation’s attention away from issues on the ground — #Unemployment #RuralCrisis & #WomensSecurity — by pointing at the sky.
Congratulations @drdo_india & @isro — this success belongs to you. Thank you for making India safer” wrote Akhilesh on Twitter.
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