The Bengaluru police have now arrested actor and film producer Kumar Gaurav for raping and harassing a Dalit woman. Reports say he has been keeping this girl as his mistress.
The victim has approached the police and conveyed that she had been sexually abused by the actor for the past two years. According to police, the accused had approached the victim when she was doing a diploma course in Banglore by convincing that she would be given a role in his next film. He told the women that she was very good-looking and just asked to attend the audition just for the sake and she would be selected. The whole incident happened in 2016.
It was the accused himself who took the girl from her room where she was staying as a paying guest. He took the girl brought to his private residence and raped her. The assault continued for the past two years.
The accused also warned that he will publish her nude pictures and video if she complains.
On March 16, 2019 the victim was again taken to a hotel and was locked and raped for one whole day.
The woman was minor when Kumar Gaurav allegedly raped her in 2016. The POSCO act has been imposed to him and he is under custody.
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