The JaJacobite congregation chief Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I has made it clear that the left has given immense help to the congregation. Although the congregation does not accept all the policies of the left government, it is a custom to help those helped us.
He also confirmed that the congregation will support Benny Behanannan in Chalakkudy constituency. In the coming election, the congregation will not take a stand. People know to vote and they will decide to whom they should caste their vote, said Baselios Thomas I .
Baselios Thomas, aslo clarrified that the congregation has no enemity towards LDF candidate Veena George, who belongs to the Orthodox congregation. Veena never took an anti congregatin stand. She was always with left. What stand has to be acepted in the Pathanamthitta constituency where she is contesting will decide after discussing with the preists from there.
The Jacobite congregation has always took a pro-left stand in the elections. The words of the Mor Baselios Thomas I, hints that the congragstion will support left in the in the coming elections. He informed this in news channel interview.
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