Sadh Guru Jaggi Vasudev had stirred a controversy by calling a Muslim student ‘Talibani’. Jaggi Vasudev, known as ‘Sadh Guru’ is the founder of ‘Isha Foundation’, head quartersed at Coimbatore. He during an interaction with the student of London School odf Economics called a Muslim student ‘Talibani’.
The students union of the London School of Economics accused that the Guru has ‘Islamophobia’. The incident occured in March 27. The student union further rejected Jaggi Vasudev’s clarification where he claimed the word ‘Taliban’ was used in the context of ‘over-enthusiastic’ in India.
During his ‘Youth and Truth’ Unpugg with Sadh Guru’ programme conducted at London Jaggi vasudev called a Pakistani student named Bilal Bin Sakhib as ‘proper Taliabni’. The students union condemned the opinion and clariffied that these kind of references cannot be used in the LSE campus.
After the statement become controversial , Jaggi Vasudev issued a clarification on his statement and alleged that the video had been ‘mischievously edited. He also clarriffied that he does not want to hurt anyone. He further claimed that the word Taliban was used in India as meaning ‘over-enthusiastic’.
His one of earlier statement about the Jawahar Lal Nehru University students union leaders also stirred controvarsay. He once said the the JNSU leaders Kanhaiya Kumar and Umar Khalid must be faced in the streets.
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