Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. There are many types of cancers that can not be defeated through profound treatments and therapies in spite the medical companies claim a complete cure
The only effective way to prevent cancer is to detect the disease in the earlier stage as early as possible. The earliest we detect the more effective and easy it would be to cure says many veteran doctors. Despite the science and technology has innovative features there are still cases where early detection of cancerous cells was not possible. Apart from this, the early detection of the cancerous cells are very expensive and won’t be that much affordable.
What if the dog in your home could sense the cancerous cells in your body it there are any? This is not funny and the scientists have proved the same.
The new agency headquartered in America has come up with this new research regarding this, that Dogs could sense the tinges of cancer in the human body. The researchers presented a critical study in an annual conference of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held in London
Researchers assert that the dogs could understand the infection through the smell of human’s blood. This means that the blood of a cancerous person is identified only by its smell. The majority of dogs participated in the experiment also identified the blood of the patients and then gave a special feedback different from normal barking gestures.
It is proven that Dogs could smell 10,000 times stronger than man and they are more precise in their exploring.
The researchers claim dogs are 97% accurate in the body the diagnosis of cancer.
The doctors and researchers argue that this research would be a new way in the medical field. They argue that their discovery could be used to develop new methods to determine the cancer.
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