CPI(M) has issued a series of instructions to its workers till the Loksabha polls are over. It is reported that the workers are told not to engage themselves in any provocative activities until the elections are done with. To control the workers and to give instructions, squads have been formed in each district. They are asked not to respond aggressively to their opponents, even if they are met with violent methods.
The squads will analyse the work of members thrice in a week. The district committee will oversee the squad. The report will then be submitted to the state committee. The squad are also asked to keep those members away from the campaign if they engage themselves in provocative actions.
The workers are told not to speak even a single offensive word during their door to door campaign, even if the owners of the house break the limits. “Should not go drunk or with weapons to paste posters, have to give proper information to police in patrol if they interrogate, if there is a fight for space to paste posters with the opposition party, should not fight over it…” etc are some of the other instructions mentioned.
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