Bollywood actress Surveen Chawla and her businessman husband Akshay Thakkar welcomed their first child. The couple is blessed with a baby girl on April 19. Surveen Chawla who tied the knot with Akshay Thakker in 2015. The couple has named their little one Eva.
The actress started her career with Ekta Kapoor’s show Kahin To Hoga. She played the role of Aamna Sharif’s (Kashish) sister Charu in the show. She also became popular for playing Prerna (Shweta Tiwari) and Mr Bajaj’s (Ronit Roy) daughter Kashish in Kasauti Zindagi Kay. Most recently, she has worked in Sacred Games, Anil Kapoor’s 24 and web series Haq Se. She has also starred in numerous Bollywood movies like Parched, Creature 3D and Hate Story.
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