West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee Saturday came down heavily on BJP saying the party was the greatest danger for the country akin to 440 volt.
People should reject BJP and should refrain from casting any vote in favour of the party. “I assure that if Trinamool Congress is voted to power, then there will be no damage to the country,” she told a poll rally at Pandua in Hoogly district held in support of Hooghly Lok Sabha Trinamool Congress candidate Ratna De Nag.
“Both BJP and Narendra Modi will destroy the country if voted to power for the second time …. BJP is the greatest danger for the country, like 440 volt,” she said adding that the ongoing election is to remove the BJP government. Many farmers have committed suicide and thousands are left unemployed. Prices of gas, diesel and petrol are rising and people are not getting money from the banks during the BJP regime , she said and blamed the CPI(M) for helping it.
“Now CPIM’s `harmad’ (goons) have become ustads (strongmen) of the BJP”, Banerjee said and questioned how a party (BJP) which is inclined towards dividing the country in the name of religion can aspire to return to power. “How can BJP claim that the party belongs to the Hindus? BJP does not have any respect for Hindu religion. The party under Modi is for creating disturbances like riots in the country”, she said.
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