In the history of modelling, a Muslim model wearing a hijab and Burkina has appeared for the sports illustrated annual swimsuit issue for a leading magazine recently. The model is identified as
Halima Aden haling from America.
Somali-American model Halima Aden’s rookie spread will be set in Kenya, where she was born in a refugee camp and lived until the age of seven.
“Growing up in the States, I never really felt represented because I never could flip through a
magazine and see a girl who was wearing a hijab,” Aden said in a video tweeted by the magazine.
Sports Illustrated also posted a picture of her posing lying down in shallow water, wearing a turquoise hijab, long yellow earrings and a deep blue burkini, the full-length swimsuit favoured by some Muslim women.
Halima Aden makes history as the first model to wear a hijab and burkini for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit: https://t.co/8WFD4hHmiH. pic.twitter.com/OsBthnjoLY
— Sports Illustrated Swimsuit (@SI_Swimsuit) April 29, 2019
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