Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy on Sunday lashed out at the news channels for “belittling the politicians among the masses”. Expressing his disappointment while addressing a public meeting in Mysure, Kumaraswamy asked the media who had given them the power to present things “sarcastically”, while laying emphasis on the need to bring in a law to regulate news channels.
The Karnataka Chief Minister also rebuked certain news channels for casting doubts whether the JD(S)-Congress coalition government would last, asserting that the state government would continue with the “good wishes of Congress President Rahul Gandhi and Siddaramaiah”.
“What do you think of politicians? You think that we are so easily available to be mocked? Who has given you powers to present everything sarcastically? You think we’re jobless? Do we look like cartoon characters to you?” Kumaraswamy asked the channels. “Whom are you trying to favour by belittling us among the masses? I feel the need to bring in a law,” the Chief Minister said.
“This government will not go so easily as is being projected that soon after the election results on May 23 (the government would fall). It will continue with the good wishes of Congress president Rahul Gandhi and (former chief minister) Siddaramaiah,” he added.
The Chief Minister also added that the state government was not surviving because of media but due to the support of people. “We are not surviving because of media but because of 6.5 crore people of the state. I am not scared of them (media) at all. I don’t care… If I see all the episodes of their stories in the electronic media, I will lose sleep,” “This government will not go so easily as is being projected that soon after the election results on May 23 (the government would fall). It will continue with the good wishes of Congress president Rahul Gandhi and (former chief minister) Siddaramaiah,” he said.