Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to start his second stint with a 1,000-day agenda which will lead all the way up to the first half of 2022, the 75th anniversary of India’s independence. This has been revealed by someone with direct knowledge about the matter, claims a national daily.
Narendra Modi’s elaborate plan includes several initiatives, from empowering women in agriculture to sending an Indian into space. Modi’s attempt will be to fulfill his promise of creating a “New India”, they added.
“We have been directed to chalk out agenda for the first 1,000 days and the new ministers and department heads will have to frame a comprehensive strategy to meet these objectives by 2022,” as quoted by as quoted by national daily.
A continuing emphasis on inclusive social welfare programmes, under the umbrella of “Antodaya” (upliftment of the poor), will run through the plan, the first person added.
Earlier P.M Modi had said that every citizen has to show the same spirit like the one during freedom struggle
“For the next five years, every Indian will have to pledge to transform India into a strong nation. The mission will require the same spirit as the one witnessed during the freedom struggle. We can make India a strong nation by 2022, before we complete 75 years of Independence.”
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