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World’s Smallest baby of the size of a large apple survives after 5 months in neonatal ICU

A California hospital has asserted that the birth of the world’s smallest baby having just a weight of 245 grams, the same as a large apple when she was born has survived months.

The doctors earlier asserted that the baby would die within an hour when the baby was born.

The girl is nicknamed as Saybie by the hospital staff, was born 23 weeks and three days into her mother’s pregnancy at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns in San Diego, California.

he father was told by doctors that he would have about an hour with his daughter before she passed away.

“But that hour turned into two hours which turned into a day, which turned into a week,” the mother said in a video released by the hospital.

Another nurse has featured in a self-confession video that Saybie was so small at the time of her birth such a way that only you could see her barely on her bed.


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