A fifteen-year school girl, what she could do was predictable to the world until Greta Thunberg began her fight for the environment.
She is the spearhead of a global movement called ‘Friday for Future’. She went to the Swedish Parliament bunking her Friday classes holding Placards showing the need to protect the environment. Everyone ignored her small step, but today it has become a giant leap in environmental movements.
Her protest is now taken by children all around the globe. Nations, leaders, entrepreneurs, activists now need Greta to vocalize her concerns.
She received the Amnesty International’s Ambassador of Conscience Award for mobilizing world opinion on the perils of climate change.
She has Asperger syndrome, which is a developmental disorder. The characteristics include a preoccupation with narrow things. And this has made her to stick on to her concern over climate change.
Yes, her voice is heard, that too for the future. It’s sure that there is light at the end of every dark tunnel. And here shines the little star of Earth’s future.
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