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KeralaLatest News

Kerala is completely secure from Nipah Virus, Confirms Health Minister

Health Minister KK Shailaja is reported to have assured that Kerala is secure from the virus and the need for a high alert no longer exists.

A year after its first reported case, the Kerala government had confirmed the presence of the virus earlier this month when a 23-year-old man tested positive.

The situation now seems to be under control with no other cases being reported after examination of people who had been in contact with the patient.

According to a report in Malayalam Manorama, Dr Dovendra Maurya, the Chief of the Pune-based National Institute of Virology (NIV) stated that the state is completely secure. Dr Dovendra MauryaNo cases have been tested positive in the past 21 days. Hence, there is no need for alarm or a high alert situation.

“However, the awareness drive to prevent the spread of the virus must be continued and caution must be exercised while eating fruits bitten by birds or bats. Discussing the origin of the virus will prove crucial in preventing the spread of the disease. All the medical colleges in Kerala must be equipped with advanced labs to ensure this”, he added.


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