Our profession must not be mixed up with personal life. It is not you but your professionalism is demanded in the work place. We must create a warm rapport with the team. But one must keep a border in sharing things with the colleagues. Some experts pointed out the following things as not to be welcomed revelations to the colleague:
Do not share your pay scale to anyone. It can create rivalries, competition and complexes among the team.
Dislike towards colleagues
Always maintain a diplomatic relationship with everyone. Don’t mess up with them and always keep a pleasant face even though irritated. Your work place is your second home. Never risk yourself to make it an uncomfortable place to spend time quarreling with each other.
Your sorrows are yours only
Don’t share your overwhelming feelings to your colleagues whether it is sorrow, joy, or anxiety. You might have good friend circle in the office but your personal self must be kept aloof from there.
Your work demands your productivity and not your weaknesses. You have to hide your weaknesses or work thing out in a way that would help you in the job.
Modern world demands well equipped smartly working people. Professionalism is more a value than a tactic
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