The first look poster of Bollywood film ‘Jhootha Kahin Ka’ was released. The film marks the return Rishi Kapoor to the Bollywood films. The film has Jimmy Sheirgill, Sunny Singh and Omkar Kapoor.
The Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the first look poster and wrote ” Rishi Kapoor returns to cinema halls on 19 July 2019… First, look poster of #JhoothaKahinKa… Costars Omkar Kapoor, Sunny Singh, Jimmy Sheirgill, Lillete Dubey and Manoj Joshi… Directed by Smeep Kang… 19 July 2019 release”.
The film revolves around two young boys, Sunny Singh, and Omkar Kapoor, who travel to Mauritius for higher education. They end up loving the country to the extent that they don’t want to return from there. Rishi Kapoor, who will be seen playing Omkarās father in the film, decides to pay the boys a surprise visit. However, he gets stunned when he sees their lifestyle in person.
Rishi Kapoor returns to cinema halls on 19 July 2019… First look poster of #JhoothaKahinKa… Costars Omkar Kapoor, Sunny Singh, Jimmy Sheirgill, Lillete Dubey and Manoj Joshi… Directed by Smeep Kang… 19 July 2019 release.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 27, 2019
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