The Sabarimala Karma Samiti has criticized BJP over its silence in bringing legislation to bypass the Supreme Court verdict which lifted the ban on the woman of the certain age group in entering from the temple.
A report presented before the meeting of Karma Samiti today has raised the criticism. If the legislation is done all the works and adaptations done will be waste, said the report. The activists of Karma Samiti were fallen in the trap of the Kerala government. The cases against the activists also affected the activities of Samiti, said the report.
The Samiti views the union government’s stand that no legislation will be done soon. The leaders were hopeful that there will be positive action from the part of the Union government. The new stand of union government has imposed a big difficulty for the leaders of Karma Samiti and other Hindu organizations who fought the protest. Earlier theBJP has promised that there will action to ensure the customs and tradition in the Sabarimala temple.
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