The hardships of Venezuelan mothers propped up again as a pregnant woman got aborted while waiting for Chilean visa in a long queue. The international journals reported that the number of mothers migrating to other countries for delivery is increasing. Peru has also put restrictions on the immigrants which make their journey more dangerous.
Anarchy and poverty are the main reasons for the flight of the mothers. The worst form of ruling is visible in the nation. Dictatorship and lack of insight has deteriorated the growth of the nation. The Venezuelan woman sells themselves abroad to survive. Many mothers are forced to sell their children to escape from the poverty.
The immigrants to Chile were increased by 6 times over thirty years. To give nutritious food to their children, some of them sell their breast milk. Presidents Nicholas Maduro’s economic policy has devastated the country. Recently the basic payment was increased to 30,000. It is shocking that even this amount is not sufficient to get a piece of meat.
When we live in the comfort of our facilities, we fail to understand the sufferings of the destitute. No country is ready to open their doors for the immigrants. We make alliances for nuclear power, trade, defence system etc . However we shut over ears to the wails of the people. A positive intervention from UN and an alliance of World Nations for the good of humanity can resolve all these issues. The future will be bright , if we can lighten the path by ourselves.
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