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Deepa Nishant is Quick to Pounce on a Malayalam Newspaper’s Mistake, Check this Out

The left supporters have been pushed to the defensive, ever since the stories of  SFI’s atrocities at the University
College, Thiruvananthapuram were revealed.

It has been tough few days for them since students, former teachers, officials, politicians, etc have opened up their experiences of SFI’s autocratic tendencies. Deepa Nishant, a well known left supporter and an Assistant Professor at Sree Kerala Varma College, took a while to respond to the issue, understandably so.

Yesterday, in a Facebook post, Deepa said that she is not going to respond to the issue just because of the mounting pressure from the public.

“AM not taking any advice from outside on how to spend my time. I did come to know about the incidents at University  College, but chose not to write about it” she wrote on Facebook. Check Out her Facebook post.


Hours later, Deepa saw that the Mathrubhumi newspaper made a mistake in reporting the incident of answer sheets being recovered from the University College’s union office. Unfortunately, the newspaper had got the wrong picture for the news and suddenly the left supporters had woken up, pouncing on the issue.

Deepa Nishant who had earlier said that she is deliberately choosing not to write about the issue did not waste much time in making a sarcastic post on Facebook, about the mistake of Mathrubhumi. Check this out.


The newspaper, meanwhile, admitted the mistake. They clarified that it was the wrong picture, but then the allegations that the entire news was wrong is just baseless.


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