Murali Kanambilly, the Maoist party leader who is jail for the last four years has translated Marathi devotional poems to Malayalam in jail. Murali has translated the poem written by Bhakth Tukaram, the renowned Marathi poet who lived in the 17th century and was the main proponent of ‘Bhakti tradition’.
Murali has learned Marathi in jail and after that, he translated this. He completed his work by using dictionaries and grammar book by the special permission of the court. Murali has translated a book named ‘Tukaram Gatha’. This poem was written in the period between 1632 and 1650.
Murali’s son Nachiketh, who is an IT engineer in the US has revealed that Murali has written many books and articles after he was jailed. But the authorities have not given permission to publish them. Murali was granted bail by the court last month. But the human rights activists accuse that the authorities block his release by raising silly technical reasons. His son accused that there is a conspiracy behind the decision of authorities not to release him. Even though the Supreme Court has approved the Mumbai High Court order granting his bail, the authorities did not release him.
Murali who knows eight languages has learned Marathi after he was jailed in 2015. He was the editor of ‘A World to Win’, the mouthpiece of Revolutionary International Movement, a global co-ordination group of Maoist organization.
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