A band of people from different walks of life, most of them with a pro-Left philosophy, have been quite critical of every mishap that happens in North India but have also been conspicuous with their silence in issues that happen within Kerala.
Writers like Sachithanandan, Filmmakers like Adoor Gopalakrishnan and Kamal, a few other thinkers have all been under some criticism for the double stand they take in issues that affect people. Former State Police Chief of Kerala, T.P Senkumar, who recently revealed his right-wing predilections has been one of the more open critics of this trend.
On Monday, Senkumar shared a drawing that he belives capture this current scenario of Left-leaning intellectuals being ‘hypocrites’.
The drawing by artist Sanoop Sreedhar shows a creature with dog’s body and pen’s nib looking up at the northern part of India. With its feet, the dog is crushing a newspaper that has enumerated a few of the issues which have happened in Kerala. Also near the dog are some weapons and a hand holding on to the bars of a prison, indicative of the violence and custody deaths in Kerala. The dog has ignored every incident near it and has his focus fixed on north Indian issues.
A dog that’s looking up to North India. Sanoop Sreedhar wonderfully explained the Present scenario!
Keep it up.” wrote Senkumar on Facebook. Check this Out
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