‘Promise Fulfilled’ : BJP leader Ram Madhav shares old photo of PM Modi protesting against Article 370

BJP national general secretary Ram Madhav posted an old image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi an Article 370 event with the message: ‘Promise fulfilled’.Though there is no mention on the specific details when and where was this photo was taken, a young Narendra Modi could be seen sitting on what appears to be a stage. In the background, the banner mentions (parts of it read), ‘Remove 370, end terrorism, save the country’.

Not only this, Madhav even applauded the Union government for passing abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution, under which special status to Jammu and Kashmir was granted. Shah while reading the President Ram Nath Kovind signed notification read in the Parliament that Jammu and Kashmir will also be ‘reorganised’, with the state’s bifurcation into two union territories, Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. Along with Article 370, President Ram Nath Kovind also passed an order abolishing Article 35A.
