Kerala public was shocked by the news of SFI leaders who are the accused in the stabbing case at University college, topping the rank list of PSC exam. Aspirants and public alleged possible fraudery crept into the system of exams, but PSC and Left leaders have largely been in the denial mode.
One of the main defense they raised was that a ‘student being a criminal doesn’t mean he can’t score good marks in an exam’. Major leaders like A Vijayaraghavan, minister like K.T Jaleel, etc had peddled this theory, but all of that has come to an end yesterday, as PSC Vigilance confirmed fraud taking place in the PSC exam.
SivaRanjith, Naseem and Pranav, will be avoided from the rank list. There will be an investigation conducted against them and PSC has banned them from writing exams. It was in the Police Constable exam that the cheating took place. BJP Leader K Surendran responded to the situation and in his Facebook post said that the case should be left to CBI.
“Who leaked the answers for them, did the question paper leak? All such issues have to be investigated. Kerala C.M who said that there are no such problems in the Assembly should say sorry to people. Kerala Police cannot find who is behind this. Pinarayi Vijayan should be ready to leave this case to CBI” he said in his Facebook post.(Original Fb Post below)
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