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Pakistan Minister Wants Punjabis in Indian Army to Act Against the Nation, India’s Reply Will Make You Proud

Ever since India abrogated Article 370 in Kashmir, there has been restlessness from many corners of Pakistan. Even though Kashmir is an entirely internal matter of India, Pakistan cannot stop themselves from poking their nose into it. Fawad Hussain, Federal Minister for Science & Technology in Pakistan is yet another example of India’s neighbour’s keen interest in J&K affairs. Fawad issued a piece of advice for the Punjabis in India, to refuse the services the Indian army in Kashmir.

ALSO READ: ” Both Pakistan and Kashmir belong to India.’, an Islamic scholar says to Pakistan

One cannot understand what made Fawad even remotely hopeful that his advice will not be scorned here. Indians responded aptly to his advice, one user pointed out that it is Sikhs who occupy all the highest positions in the Indian Army.m

Just so that you know – our Air Chief Marshal is a #Sikh . Our Navy Chief is a Sikh. Our Northern Commander of Army is a Sikh. Corps commander Kashmir is a Sikh. Head of Strategic Forces is a Sikh. But you know what, they identify themselves as Indians and not punjabis or Sikhs” wrote a Twitter user Velociraptor.

Another Twitter user asked what rights Pakistan had to appeal to Punjabis after Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s statue was vandalized in Pakistan.

I am convinced that ISI ordered the vandalism on Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s statue in Pakistan.

It was vandalized by Khadim Rizvi , same Khadim Rizvi who is puppet of Pakistani Panjabi Army” wrote Jiggs ?? Minister at Large onTwitter.

Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga, BJP Delhi spokesperson, said that the Indian Army is unanimously saying that they will thrash the likes of Fawad with shoes.


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