Donations are flowing into chief minister’s relief fund. A melsanthi of Thirumandhamkunnu Bhagavathy Temple at Angadippuram in Mankada gave his own Kadukkan (men’s earring) to the chief minister’s relief fund.
Melsanthi Sreenath Namboodiri gave his kadukkan saying ‘let this be my help to the relief fund’ when activists led by CPM Angadippuram local committee reached his house for collecting funds. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan in a Facebook post had mentioned Sreenath’s charity.
Sreenath Namboodiri is a member of Angadippuram Eranthode Panthala Kodath Illom. Thirumandhamkunnu Bhagavathy Temple at Angadippuram is one of the main temples of Valluvanadu.
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