A woman has asked divorce from her husband citing that he loves her a lot. The incident was reported from the UAE.
The woman has approached the Shariah court in Fujairah. She in her divorce petition argued that her husband loves her a lot and even he helped her with household chores and didn’t argue with her. The wife complained that her life turned into hell with this cruel-free treatment.
She says that his love and compassion are so over the top. “I am choked by his extreme love and affection. He even assisted me in cleaning the house without me asking him. “He was always so kind to me that we never had any issue or dispute in our year-long marriage”, the woman has said.
The husband, in return, said he did not do anything wrong. “Everybody has advised me to disappoint and turn her down or reject some of her requests, but I did not because I am and always wish to be a perfect and kind husband.”
The court ordered an adjournment of the case to give the couple a chance for a settlement.
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