Multiple trains has been cancelled and many are diverted as a mudslide took place near Padil and Kulashekara stations in Mangalore. The Konkan Railway has informed this on a statement.
The rail traffic in this route is temporarily stopped from Friday night. The temporary shutdown of traffic in this route is upto Monday. The final decision will be taken after the security check on Monday.
Six trains were cancelled and six trains were diverted. Ernakulam – Mumbai Duronto express, Jamnagar – Tirunelveli JamTen express, Mumbai-Thiruvananthapuram Netravati Express, Pune-Ernakulam Pune express, Mumbai – Nagercoil express, Kochuveli – Mumbai Garib Rath, Mangalore- Madgaon intercity, Madgaon passenger, Ernakulam – Okha were cancelled.
Trains like Mangala Express, Netravati express, will be diverted to Palakkad route.
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