The Southern railway has announced four special trains between Thiruvananthapuram and Mangalore. The special trains were announced to the compensate the difficulties faced by the passengers as the long-distance trains via Konkan route has been cancelled and diverted due to mudslide in the track.
The southern railway will run two special trains on today and two on tomorrow. One train will go Mangalore via Alappuzha and the other will be Kottayam route.
The train (train no, 0665) departing from Thiruvananthapuram on 9.15 on today will reach Mangalore on Thursday 10am via Alappuzha. The train (no.0667) which departs from Mangalore on today night at 11.30 will reach Thiruvananthapuram via kottayam on 10.50 am on Thursday.
The train (no.0666) will depart from Mangalore on Thursday evening 5.05pm will reach Thiruvananthapuram via Alappuzha on Friday morning.
Train to Mangalore via kottayam (no. 0668) will depart from Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday evening 3.30 pm will reach Mangalore on Friday morning.
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