Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor has said that actors like Dulquer Salmaan, Ayushmann Khurrana and Rajkummar Rao are enjoying success today as they understand the importance of storytelling and they are not bothered about who is leading a film.
“It depends on the person and their confidence level, how they feel about themselves… My father did films like ‘Beta’, ‘Ladla’ and ‘Mr India’, where women had prominent roles and he was a superstar at that time”, said Sonam. Sonam kapoor was speaking at the trailer launch of her upcoming film, “The Zoya Factor”.
“I have been brought up to think it doesn’t matter as long as the role is amazing. But there were a few, like Dhanush, Dulquer, Rajkummar and Ayushmann, who I worked with in a couple of films. There are a lot of these men out there and they are all doing better than everybody else right now. “Because they realised its not about who’s leading the film. It’s about the film and what are you trying to say with the film. That’s progressive, incredible and these days that’s what’s working — progressive, content driven cinema,” Sonam Kapoor added
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