Saudi Arabian banks and the banking service organization has warned against attempts to cheat on bank customers to con them out of their money.
Fraudsters are now sending emails with bank logos and asking users to update accounts. Customers were warned not to update their bank accounts in response to these fraudulent email messages.
Some of these fraudsters pretend to do system maintenance and send letters requesting funds and donations under public and official names.
Talat Zaki Hafiz, secretary-general of the committee on information and banking awareness of Saudi Banks, said: “Saudi Banks has repeatedly warned customers against responding to a series of emails that have recently appeared from anonymous sources with local bank logos.”
The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) has allocated the number 330330 for notifying the authorities, who will act quickly.
Those indulging in fraudulence will be fined up to SR2 million ($530,000) or given sentences of up to 3 years in prison.
Saudi Telecom providers, including Saudi Telecom Company, have also warned their customers to ignore such messages and not to share personal details.
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