A video of a battle between a pride of lion and lone buffalo has been viral on social media. The video which was actually three years old was reposted by a Twitter user. The video shows a pride of lions attacking alone buffalo. And you will think that the buffalo might have ended it’s life at the stomach of lions but it was not actually happened.
The video, recorded at Kruger National Park, South Africa, shows a pride of lions trying to make a meal out a buffalo. The lions surround the buffalo ready to eat it when they suddenly break into a fight. That’s when the hurt buffalo finds its opportunity and manages to escape.
The actual video was recorded by Mike Kirkman. – It was actually two different prides attacking an entire herd of buffaloes but the lions managed to catch only that one buffalo. However, the rivalry between the prides came in their way of a filling meal.
Twitter user Parveen Kaswan, IFS has reposted it. “These lions have a lesson to teach. They were having their meal but decided to fight with each other. And food walked away,” Kaswan captioned the video. Kaswan’s tweet, shared yesterday, has collected over 2,300 likes and more than 600 retweets.
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