The union government is planning to stricten the fight against plastic in the country. It is reported that the union government will impose a ban on 12 items as move to tighten the struggle against single-sue plastic in the country.
The ban will be imposed in a phased manner. The timeframe for this has not decided. The union government is planning to free the country from the single-use plastic by 2022.
Earlier in his Independence day speech Prime Minister NArendra Modi has announced that the first phase of freeing the country from the single-sue plastic will be launched on October 2 on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
The list of plastic items to be banned by the government includes :
1.Carry bags (less than 50 microns)
2.Non-woven carry bags,
3.Small wrapping/packing films,
4.straws and stirrers,
5.Cutlery: formed cups, bowls and plates.
6.Laminated bows and plates
7.Small plastic cups and container (less than 150 ml and 5 grams
8.Plastic stick for ear buds
9.Balloons, flags and candles
10.Cigarette butts,
11.Expanded polystyrene; small plastic for beverages (less than 200 ml)
12. Roadside banners- less than 100 microns
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