Sex dolls are an industry that is fast developing and manufacturers have started catering to the needs of those across the spectrum of sexuality. Enter the male sex dolls, sold by 1 AM dolls a sex doll manufacturer from the United States. It has all the features that one would expect from a male sex model. The doll has a penis fully flexible in any way shape or form.
“He has anal entry and he has oral entry for folks of the homosexual community so not only just for females, but also for males as well.”said Brent Lawson from 1 AM Dolls.(as quoted by Mirror).
But there is one potential problem with the dolls and that is the weight of the doll. The dolls are made real as possible so even their weight is comparable to that of an actual human male with a similar height and build.
“The male dolls can get up to a 125 pounds (56kg) which is pretty heavy” according to Mr Lawson.. In case if you are wondering about the price of these dolls, the entry-level one starts at $1800 with free shipping.
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