Mark Tully, who was the Chief of the Delhi bureau of BBC for twenty years has come out criticizing Congress party in their attitude towards Hindu’s in India. He said that the party showed a prepostorous obsession with ‘secularism’ and thus ended up neglecting Hindus of the country.
The mistake the Congress party made was to continue with this word secularism… that left the BJP free to say we are the party of Hindus and this is Hinduism… The Congress should have found in its politics someplace for the Hindu community just as it found for Muslims or others,” said Mark Tully.(as per a report from The Hindu)
He said that the word secularism actually means hostility or indifference towards all religions which is not possible in the Indian context.
“I think that today what the Congress should say is that India is a country where 80% call themselves Hindus and we believe that Hinduism, which is natural to India, is a pluralistic religion, a religion which is proud of being tolerant and welcoming to other religions, proud of India’s history,” added the Padmabhushan awardee.
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