Former Maharashtra Chief Minister Narayan Rane targetted Shiv Sena yet again and said that the party claiming to have a spirit of a tiger has become like a goat. Rane was expelled from Shiv Sena by party supremo Balasaheb Thackeray himself about 10 years ago.
“When Balasaheb Thackeray was at the helm of the party. Shiv Sena was Shiv Sena. But now, Shiv Sena’s tiger has become a goat,” said Rane. He was speaking at 7th Pune International Literary Festival.
Narayan Rane was a firebrand leader of Shiv Sena for decades. He was Leader of the Opposition during the period when Maharashtra politics was dominated by Congress-NCP.
However, Rane is believed to have been an intra-party rival of Uddhav Thackeray. He has targetted Thackeray many a times in last 10 years. Even after his bitter expulsion from Shiv Sena, the party he was a member of for 39 years, he lashed out at Uddhav Thackeray.