There is a widespread discontent against the hefty fines that are imposed on drivers in the new amended Motor Vehicles Act. The whopping fines that are imposed on drivers across the country has hit the headlines.
Now in protest against the fines, a man has set fire to his motorbike. The incident took place in Indore in Madhya Pradesh on Sunday.
The unidentified man has been given a hefty fine by the officials. Then he set fire to his bike and fled the spot.
As per eye witnesses the traffic officials has been harassing drivers and taking bribe from them. They had stopped the man asked Rs.500 from him. The man has pleaded around an hour but the officials did not respond. Later he fired his bike.
The local people accused that the officials were intoxicated and exhorting money from people. They had hide their identity. They first impose a hefty fine and later ask for bribes. The police who later arrived the spot has recovered the bike and has started investigation.
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