Celebrating 70 years of Communist Party rule, Republic of China will hold the biggest ever military parade on Tuesday. The parade is expected to bring out some of the secretive weapons of Communist republic.
The people’s Liberation Army, the worlds biggest army with 2 million men and women and an annual military spend second only to the US will march Tiananmen Square in front of officials, selected members of the public, and 188 military attaches from 97 countries. The parade will highlight Chinese homegrown weapon systems and aircraft. The Ultra hypersonic missile Dongfeng-41 which can carry atomic warheads and can reach anywhere in the US within 30 minutes of launch would also be a major attraction. Dongfeng -41 known commonly as DF41 has a speed of Mach41 ( BrahMos has a speed of Mach 4)and has the longest range of 12,000 to 15,000 km.
The Ministry of National Defence has reported that 15,000 military personnel will be taking part in the parade, including 59 different elements of the military, while 580 pieces of military equipment will roll through the streets and 160 aircraft will fly overhead. President Xi Jinping will review troops along Chang’an Avenue – Beijing’s major thoroughfare – and afterward, a number of foot, armor and aircraft formations will pass through or over Tiananmen Square.
A defense ministry spokesman recently said China had no intention or need to “flex its muscles” with this display, but that the focus was on demonstrating a “peace-loving and responsible China”.
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