Pakistan P.M Imran Khan’s desperate attention to getting international support for them on the issue of Kashmir has so far got very little success. The two countries that support them along with their long standing ally China are- Malaysia and Turkey. India needs no lessons of diplomacy from anyone and Newdelhi is improving its relations with the three of Ankara’s neighbors and rivals- Cyprus, Armenia, and Greece. Turkey has a strained relation with all the three nations.

Turkey, after an invasion in 1974, established the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), which started of a long military standoff between the two sides. Erdogan has stationed over 30000 troops in the area. Prime Minister Narendra Modi met President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades after his UNGA speech.
Turkey and Greece too have bad relations, and once came really close to military conflict over the Greek islets of Imia in 1996. The United states eventually intervened to avoid a war. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already met his Greece and Cyprus counterparts.
Indian P.M Narendra Modi also met with Armenia PM Nikol Pashinyan, whose country shares a border with Turkey. There also, Turkey-Armenia relations are very poor.
In view of the problems, the three countries have with Turkey, Modi meeting the leaders of the three nations is significant. India is making counter moves against Turkey who is trying to side with Pakistan on Kashmir issue.
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