Unicef in a published report ‘The state of world children 2019′ has said that 69 percent of Indian children below 5 years of age die due to malnutrition.
The detailed report also points out that only 21 percent of children are provided nutritious food.35% of children are affected by retarded growth, undernourished weak children amount to 17 percent and 2 percent of children are classified as obese. Only 53 percent of infants of 6-8 months age group are given nutritious food, and 50 percent of mothers are suffering from anemia. The teenage girls are affected twice as much by anemia than teenage boys.
Indian children are also exhibiting a high rate of diabetes, and kidney-related illnesses combined with high blood pressure owing to stress at a very young age.They are also not provided micro nutrients and one amoung 5 children is having vitamin A deficiency and one in three affected by vitamin B12 deficiency.Every 2 out of three children between 6 months to 2 years of age group are not given adequate food so there brain development and immunity are impeded.It was 20years before that Unicef issued a comprehensive report of this kind.