A Bangladeshi lawmaker has been expelled from university after allegedly hiring as many as eight doppelgangers to take exams in her place, officials said on Monday.
The MP of the ruling Awami League party, Tamanna Nusrat allegedly paid eight lookalikes to take her place and attend at least 13 university tests. A private broadcaster entered the examination hall to meet the woman posing as MP and posted the video clip in social media which became viral in moments.
After this, the University took action against the MP and expelled her.“We expelled her because she has committed a crime. A crime is a crime,” BOU head M A Mannan told AFP. “We have canceled her enrolment. She will never be able to get admitted here again. The proxy students were protected by the MP’s musclemen when they sat for the tests. Everybody knew it but nobody uttered a word because she is from a very influential family,” a college official said.
Nusrat could not be reached for comment.
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